Friday, September 6, 2013

Super High Five For Friday!!

This week is no secret that its been a little rough around the edges. Today, although still early, has given me time to be thankful for what I have been given and not focus in on the negative. 

Last night my books for my classes arrived. My criminal law book was the wrong one and it put me in a panic. This morning I collected myself and went to the bookstore and they had one more book left AND it was available to rent! Can I get a heck yes!!!! 

Going back to school is NO joke. The second time around working towards a completely new degree is insane. I am often wondering if what I'm doing is the right thing. It is. I have always wanted to study and pursue something in the criminal justice field. This is my time to do this! I'm setting an example for my girls to see that hard work will pay off. 


I was deemed supervisor of AWESOME at work. Yes that is a disco ball. I felt awesome and even used it in my class for my pop quiz. 


The weather this week has been amazing!!!! The beginning of the week was cool in the mornings and warmed up by the afternoon, for it being September it couldn't be more perfect. 

Both kids are still loving school! They are adjusting as well as can expected and they are making new friends in the apartment complex. That's great for them because I can make them o play for a little bit and I can get some homework knocked out of the way while its quiet. 

Every bad thing has a silver lining. And I'm determined to make the best out of a crap-tastic situation. 

Oh! This is an extra little fluff for Friday. But this guy is my work bestie. He's interviewing for a new position. 
I think he's got the job in the bag. 

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