Friday, August 23, 2013

Sick day high five for Friday

II'm quarantined from the rest of the world today. I came home from work and teaching Wednesday with my left eye feeling irritated. I thought it was just my contact gettin some dirt behind it. When I woke up yesterday my eye was completely bloodshot 
It didn't get any better throughout the day so I made the decision to stay home from work today. I'm getting some much needed relaxation in that I won't ever see much of. Anywho here is my high five for Friday 

1. My classes, both the ones I'm teaching and taking, started this week and I think it will be a good semester. Busy, but overall should be good. 

2. The girls started school this week at their new school. So far it's been a successful transition for them. They are adjusting to having structure and wearing uniforms. 
3. I'm really enjoying being able to spend a little bit of time I the mornings helping the girls get ready. I get myself ready while they are waking up and getting dressed. After they come into my room a and tell me how they want their hair fixed. Something that they aren't used to having done. 

4. Dustin got an email yesterday saying I was due for an upgrade with my phone! Thank you jeebus!!! I still have my iPhone 4 from when it originally rolled out. It's a great phone but like all good things it is starting to see its final days. So I'm definitely looking forward to the iPhone 5 coming my way very soon! 

5. I've also been looking at purchasing a new computer too. There are so many options for home computers these days. I would love love love to have a Mac, however, my budget does not agree. It's one of those items on my wish list that I have wanted for years, but have never been able to afford. One day I will. Until then I have to keep looking for a more budget friendly computer that I can use for the classes that I'm taking. I don't think my laptop has much life in it. 

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