Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Where is you

I'm in a conundrum. Not sure what to do say or feel.
I loved my Mother's Day presents and card from my inlaws and family.  But I still feel as though there are some people who don't consider me a parent. I mean what classifies you as a parent? Birthing a child? Nurturing a child? 

I've been reading blogs about stepmoms who feel like they get the shaft on Mother's Day. Which from their viewpoint is true. This is another commercialized holiday that when created the norm wasn't to celebrate the joys of step-parenting. Go into any store and try to find a card for step-parents. Not an easy task. Does it mean that we are any less of parents? Does it mean that we shouldn't be validated? No. It just means that we, as parents, are that special that we don't need a stinkin hallmark card telling the world something we already know. That we are awesome

While I, in the generalized step-parent population, may be awesome, I would also like to have that acknowledgment from the nay-sayers. True I did not push for hours trying to squeeze a watermelon out of my pee hole, but I have had to take a crash course into being a parent. That, in my opinion, is not an easy thing to do. 

Say what you will and think what you do, being a step parent is NOT a job for the faint of heart. 


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