I guess I'm going to take a few minutes out of today and reflect how the first month of 2014 started off. It wasn't bad, just cold.
New insurance kicked in on January 1. Not a fan of this new plan. My co-pay for therapy is now $89. I gag a little every time that I see that. I've been told it will get better, but wow that number hurts.
Shortly after we moved in we were hit with the first round of a polar vortex. I'm sure everyone is tired of me endlessly complaining about how cold it is. I with it were acceptable to be wrapped up like this while I'm at work.
The first week or two have been scrubbing and cleaning and cleaning and scrubbing and hell you get the point. It seems like no matter how much we clean right now, there is always going to be SOMETHING else that we come across that needs to be fixed. Like yesterday our valve intakes on the washer has a leak, add that to the to-do list of the already growing list of things that we have to do.
Bathroom floor before |
Bathroom floor after |
The kids have told me that I'm an embarrassment sometimes in the morning when we wait for the bus. I don't see why. I only jam and car dance when a really really really awesome song comes on and well that just happens to be right around the time that their bus pulls up. I think my new name should be STOP! Because that's what I hear as they jump out and sprint to the bus.
We adopted our first dog as a family. Duke was an interesting character. He was a pretty dog, and as I have said before he was super smart. Shed hair like crazy. We are still cleaning hair up from the week that he spent at our house. I know that there will be a forever home in his near future. A home where he can run and won't get in trouble for laying his head on the kitchen table while we eat dinner.
Mums and I had mum/daughter date night and watched Sister Act. Holy moley that show was absolutely HILARIOUS! I have never laughed so hard in my life. My stomach hurt from laughing through the entire show. If you haven't seen it and it's in a town near you, it's a definite MUST. Take my word on it.
The second round of the polar vortex must have shrunken my brain capacity. Last week I went out and purchased my first pair of skinny jeans. I'm late getting on the train I know, but let me tell you.....sometimes big girls dont need to be flaunting their curves in skinny jeans. These actually fit me fairly well and I didn't feel like I was a stuffed sausage, so I guess it's a win in my book.
On Jan. 24th we went, JUST TO LOOK, and she stole our hearts. There was a toss up between her and another sweet girl Alex. However, Maddie's calm disposition and sweet personality was just what we wanted. She seems to be settling in her new home just fine and I am looking forward to building our bond with all of the family.
Yesterday there was a nice break from the cold weather and it actually got up to 53. HEAT WAVE!!!! The kids went out to my parents so they could get some sled time in. You know they have hills out in the country and all. So Dustin and I packed up our third child and heading over the river and through the woods, too mimi's house. It was a lovely afternoon with my family.
So here we are. January 27, 2014. It's back to being bitter cold. This month has gone by so quickly I dont know what to expect with February. I guess I'll head out and get some more stuff and things done since it's a slow day here at work.
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