Happy new year!
That sounds/feels so weird to say. But as with each new year rolls new chapters to be written. New stories to be told. New memories to be made.
My family and I had a fairly uneventful night. Unless you want to count Tracey running into the wall face first an event. Don't worry folks she's fine. It was just one of the most hilarious things I have seen in a LONG time.
We spent this morning getting more things prepped for Saturday. My walls are officially nekked. My normal decor is now boxes. But that means we are one more days closer to a new beginning. We are going to be able to have a home that is uniquely ours. We will be able to add color and vibrancy to these walls.
The kids room is completely disassembled and not much else is needing to be done. I can't wait for them to have the freedom to make their room their own special zone. 

I really hope that 2014 is a continuation of 2013. A lot of friends had rough moments last year, I wish them peace and happiness.
I see a lot of people who make posts on social media about their New Year resolution, I haven't made one of those in years. I do know that I want to continue to work on being the best mom that I can be for my girls. That I continue to bring love to my fiancé. That my family and friends all know that I am greatful for everything that they do.
I'm off of here for a few days while I get the rest of our old life packed up and prepped for our new life.
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