I took the chromebook back. I just couldn't keep it and I definitely felt guilty for spending that much money on myself. I know it's stupid sounding but I just couldn't justify it enough to keep it.
Thankfully Staples has an easy return policy which made the return really easy to do.
I know Dustin wanted me to keep the laptop, but I just couldn't do it. It was a lot of money and I could use that money on Dustin or the kids.
This is my story. It's not perfect. Just like me. I'm taking it one day at a time. Through tears, laughter, pain, and joy....I'm learning the ins and outs of being a step-parent.
Wednesday, November 27, 2013
Sunday, November 24, 2013
Hello North
Hello from the wonderful winterland of Muncie! Home of the Ball State Cardinals. ChirpChirp ya'll!
I'm visiting with some family this weekend and I'm loving it! I've gotten to share a lot of laughs and bonding with my cousins who I haven't seen in quite some time.
We got here earlier this afternoon and it's been an interesting afternoon to say the least, but isn't that how all vacations are supposed to be?
The guys went out to spend some time with my grandpa while mom and me had the three kids. It was interesting. Three kids who had been in a car for three hours.
I'm glad I get to spend the weekend away with my family.
Oh by the way it snowed....not a lot but it snowed and it's balls cold. It's frigid. Perfect timing for my boots that I've had for four years to have a blowout. Thank you boots for the unexpected trip to Target. I have a hard time going to Target and not spending money.
I know that this post is random. I may or may not have had a few drinks tonight with my cousins. Ok, so we had some fun. All the grandparents offered to babysit while the adult children went out to dinner and convened back at the hotel. All had a great time. Some more than others.
I'm off to bed as I have to get some sleep before tomorrow...errrrr today. I'm wore out from a crazy week. I'll update tomorrow with the events that happened. Take care interwebs.
I'm visiting with some family this weekend and I'm loving it! I've gotten to share a lot of laughs and bonding with my cousins who I haven't seen in quite some time.
We got here earlier this afternoon and it's been an interesting afternoon to say the least, but isn't that how all vacations are supposed to be?
The guys went out to spend some time with my grandpa while mom and me had the three kids. It was interesting. Three kids who had been in a car for three hours.
I'm glad I get to spend the weekend away with my family.
Oh by the way it snowed....not a lot but it snowed and it's balls cold. It's frigid. Perfect timing for my boots that I've had for four years to have a blowout. Thank you boots for the unexpected trip to Target. I have a hard time going to Target and not spending money.
I know that this post is random. I may or may not have had a few drinks tonight with my cousins. Ok, so we had some fun. All the grandparents offered to babysit while the adult children went out to dinner and convened back at the hotel. All had a great time. Some more than others.
I'm off to bed as I have to get some sleep before tomorrow...errrrr today. I'm wore out from a crazy week. I'll update tomorrow with the events that happened. Take care interwebs.
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
At home workouts
Like every other bride that I know plus bridal books and websites that I have read there is always that one section that I feel sticks out in bold letters. Get into shape by joining a gym.
Hooooold up. I know I have some pounds to loose but there is NO way I can join a gym right now. It's just not financially possible. In a few weeks I will no longer be teaching, so the additional income that I have coming in will come to an end. Dustin and I are paying for the wedding ourselves, so no additional money can be spent.
Here's what I need from you internet world.
What are your favorite at home workouts that are easy to accommodate a busy schedule? Do you have some amazing workout that you behind closed doors? I need something that I can fit into 15-30 minutes first thing in the morning before I get the kids up for school.
I am horrible at sticking with diets, there never work for me, plus it's impossible to do something for myself when I have to also cook for three other people in the home. So I'm hoping that I can tone up with some motivation to become more active.
You would think that having a dress would be my motivation. I keep telling myself January 1 I'll start my workout. I should be starting NOW. That way when January 1 rolls around I won't continue to make up excuses as to why I can't.
Hooooold up. I know I have some pounds to loose but there is NO way I can join a gym right now. It's just not financially possible. In a few weeks I will no longer be teaching, so the additional income that I have coming in will come to an end. Dustin and I are paying for the wedding ourselves, so no additional money can be spent.
Here's what I need from you internet world.
What are your favorite at home workouts that are easy to accommodate a busy schedule? Do you have some amazing workout that you behind closed doors? I need something that I can fit into 15-30 minutes first thing in the morning before I get the kids up for school.
I am horrible at sticking with diets, there never work for me, plus it's impossible to do something for myself when I have to also cook for three other people in the home. So I'm hoping that I can tone up with some motivation to become more active.
You would think that having a dress would be my motivation. I keep telling myself January 1 I'll start my workout. I should be starting NOW. That way when January 1 rolls around I won't continue to make up excuses as to why I can't.
Monday, November 18, 2013
I feel wrong and bad and horrible.
No it's nothing that I have done, other than the fact that I bought this new laptop, I feel really guilty for it. REALLY guilty. It's not because I didn't have the money but rather because it was a very spontaneous purchase and it was a lot of money to spend on myself. I feel like I just was selfish at Staples and bought whatever.
I know I didn't buy the most amazing piece of technology out there for today's standards, but I bought something that met my needs. Reliable, fast(er) than my old laptop and access too an internet connection.
Still with it being so close to Christmas I want to make sure that the kids and Dustin have as good of a year as last year.
My internal conflict is tearing me up right now.
No it's nothing that I have done, other than the fact that I bought this new laptop, I feel really guilty for it. REALLY guilty. It's not because I didn't have the money but rather because it was a very spontaneous purchase and it was a lot of money to spend on myself. I feel like I just was selfish at Staples and bought whatever.
I know I didn't buy the most amazing piece of technology out there for today's standards, but I bought something that met my needs. Reliable, fast(er) than my old laptop and access too an internet connection.
Still with it being so close to Christmas I want to make sure that the kids and Dustin have as good of a year as last year.
My internal conflict is tearing me up right now.
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Live from my chromebook!
Hey ya'll I decided to splurge a bit and give myself a little treat. Since the kiddos are always wanting to play games on the other laptop I needed something that I could use more frequently to get what I needed to get done....done. So this was my present. Happy birthday!
Saturday, November 16, 2013
Holy ya-yas
My dress arrived yesterday. It fits perfectly except the top. We are going to have to alter/add something so I'm not having my ya-yas trying to escape.
Friday, November 15, 2013
HIgh Five for Friday
I know I say this a lot, but this week has flown by. I don't even know where the time has gone for it to have moved so fast.
I've been doing, as best as I can, 30 days of thankfulness, through my facebook. This week has given me so much to be thankful for.
1.Over the weekend the girls had their friend Chloe spend the night. It was so cute listening to them giggle all through the night. Chloe even told me that my cooking was amazing. That was adorable.
2.I ordered my wedding dress. It was a steal. Literally. It was originally $300 and it was on a final sale for $99 PLUS I had 10% off. I can't wait for it to come in. I can officially check that off my list (and I stayed UNDER budget.)
3. Almost a month to the day I had to put my CPR/First Aid training to work. Working on the corner office of a very busy downtown intersection allows me to watch a lot of crazy things happen. Tuesday was no exception to this. I was getting some work done so I could get my desk cleaned off when my officemate and I heard a lot of tires screeching, horns honking, and then a crash. I look back just in time to witness a horrible wreck happen. I had a quick second where I just paused and I don't think I flinched. It was one of those "Oh crap what just happened."
Before I realized it, I was sprinting out the door screaming at people to call 911. There were people already taking care of the guys who were in the trucks, so I felt comfortable taking care of this girl who was struck by the trucks while crossing in the crosswalk. It was wrong place at the wrong time. I had to remember to take a couple of deep breathes to keep myself calm, if I was going to help someone else. I swallowed my nerves and continued to do what I had to do.
The girl was in direct path of the vehicles, one of which the man who initially caused the wreck was seizing and had his foot stretched out on the gas peddle. My first reaction was to move her out of the way of oncoming traffic (we were still in the crosswalk) as well as the cars if they happened to get untangled. I have never seen a man in a full blown seizure and completely lifeless. It freaked me out. I could tell the the girl I was helping had a broken bone. There was instant swelling and she couldn't move her toes. I stayed with her and supported her back until EMS could help her. I helped her keep her composure so she wouldn't start to panic and make the situation worse. I called her husband and explained the situation. He was able to meet her before the ambulance swept her off to the hospital.
I got an email from her the following day saying that she was doing well. She had to have a knee immobilizer put on. She is walking around with crutches to keep the weight off of her leg due to a fracture in her femur. She said that she goes to ortho next week to have more scans done to see if there was any further damage.
4. Meagan got a good report from the eye doctor. She had to have a follow up to checkup on her lazy eye. The doctor is pleased with how it's strengthening her eye.
5. My in-laws are coming today to spend the night. They haven't had the opportunity to see where we live before so it's really exciting to have them come to town.
Have a great week ya'll!!!
Friday, November 8, 2013
High five for Friday
Its time for another lovely edition of......delanas high five.
Both kids got major hair cuts on Saturday so I decided with their new dos I would teach them how to flat iron their hair. That little bit allows me a little bit more time to get my stuff together so I'm not runnin out the door like a bat out of hell.
*applause applause*
This week has been one of those weeks where we wake up each day with our feet running.
The leaves here are FINALLY turning their beautiful fall shades. I just love the vibrant colors that this time of the year has.
I have found out why brides to be start on wedding diets a year ahead of time. Cake samples. Amazing cake samples and buttercream.
Lord help me over the next 11 months that I don't eat my weight in cake samples. Thursday, November 7, 2013
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Truly blessed beyond words
I'm not the most religious or sentimental person.
I've always had that doubt about God or a higher being.
But the past few months have made me stop and reevaluate my beliefs. While I still question who God is, I do believe that someone is looking out for me. Whether my grandparents who have passed on or if it is a much bigger entity. All I know is that I'm grateful for what I have been given.
I have a fiance who without a doubt is my soulmate. I have two beautiful daughters who have saved me from a road of lonliness. I have a family who are my rocks and a great support system. I have so many friends who there are too many to thank for being there for me. Many of whom I haven't seen or physically spoken to in years, but I feel like you are in my life for a reason.
There are going to be a lot of BIG things happening over the next year and I'm excited about each one of them. I truly feel like the hard work that Dustin and I have done together, karma is giving us a small reward. We are going to keep doing what we do and enjoy life...together.
I've always had that doubt about God or a higher being.
But the past few months have made me stop and reevaluate my beliefs. While I still question who God is, I do believe that someone is looking out for me. Whether my grandparents who have passed on or if it is a much bigger entity. All I know is that I'm grateful for what I have been given.
I have a fiance who without a doubt is my soulmate. I have two beautiful daughters who have saved me from a road of lonliness. I have a family who are my rocks and a great support system. I have so many friends who there are too many to thank for being there for me. Many of whom I haven't seen or physically spoken to in years, but I feel like you are in my life for a reason.
There are going to be a lot of BIG things happening over the next year and I'm excited about each one of them. I truly feel like the hard work that Dustin and I have done together, karma is giving us a small reward. We are going to keep doing what we do and enjoy life...together.
Tuesday, November 5, 2013
DIY wedding and kids
I think to really add to the family feel of our wedding I am going to find ways to incorporate the kids personal touches to the decor. Just little touches that shows them that they are as much a part of this wedding as Dustin and I are.
Sunday, November 3, 2013
Wedding planning bug
I'm obsessed.
I have spent a good majority of this weekend looking at ideas and thinkin of what KIND of wedding I want to have.
Dustin and I are going to be footing the bill for the wedding so it will definitely be a simple probably DIY as much as I can type of affair.
Saturday, November 2, 2013
I'm engaged?!?
Holy crapola!!!
This was just a far off dream that this would ever happen. Now it actually has. To me. I never would have thought that I would meet someone who would want to call me their fiancé let alone their wife.
I am beyond thrilled. To be honest that doesn't even begin to explain the overwhelming excitement that I have. The kids were so excited about getting involved with the question it was so adorable.
Friday, November 1, 2013
High Five for Friday
What a day this is! What a day!!! AND it's before noon. This week has been a wee crazy in preparation for the kids first halloween in Louisville.
This High Five for Friday is going to be based on the fact that I'm running on pure adrenaline today.
An old friend of mine reconnected with me early in the week and it was a very pleasant text message. We used to work together and she ventured off into the entrepreneurial world. We keep in touch pretty much every couple of years, so it was really awesome to get a text from her.
Halloween night was a wash because of the weather. I couldn't wait for the kids to get home because Dustin had planned a night to make up for the fact that we couldn't go out trick or treating. I still had the kids get into their costumes and I did their makeup. The rest of the night I was banned from the kitchen since they were doing their super secret stuff.

Ok now the really most amazing news of the week. It's my birthday today. The reason why I was banned from the kitchen last night was because my birthday brownies were being made. I wasn't allowed to help, at all. So before I left for work this morning I had to blow out my candles. Birthday brownies for breakfast are TOTALLY acceptable.
The girls and Dustin have been unusually giddy all week. And this morning I found out why. After I blew out my candles I saw what they had been planning. Dustin and the kids proposed to me. Who needs coffee after that?!?!
This High Five for Friday is going to be based on the fact that I'm running on pure adrenaline today.
An old friend of mine reconnected with me early in the week and it was a very pleasant text message. We used to work together and she ventured off into the entrepreneurial world. We keep in touch pretty much every couple of years, so it was really awesome to get a text from her.
Halloween night was a wash because of the weather. I couldn't wait for the kids to get home because Dustin had planned a night to make up for the fact that we couldn't go out trick or treating. I still had the kids get into their costumes and I did their makeup. The rest of the night I was banned from the kitchen since they were doing their super secret stuff.
Ok so I admit that I'm a crazy stepmom. It's part of who I am. But the kids were super cute rocking their costumes around the house. We had fun playing dress up and I had fun playing with makeup. It was funny watching them try to get all the make up off last night before bed.

Part of the fun that Dustin had planned for us was to carve pumpkins. The weather by this time was beyond crappy. It was windy and very rainy. We had fun getting to each decorate our own punkin, and the other Dustin even came over for the fun too. We were all surprised that the candles stayed lit with all the wind. They were the punkins that wanted to light up halloween.

The girls and Dustin have been unusually giddy all week. And this morning I found out why. After I blew out my candles I saw what they had been planning. Dustin and the kids proposed to me. Who needs coffee after that?!?!
Of course I said yes. I think it was more along the lines of "absolutely" but I don't really remember. I've been on cloud 9 since that point in time. I haven't gotten any work done and I have a feeling that is going to be the trend for the day.
I hope everyone has a great Friday (I'm off to celebrate with my FIANCE-holy crap I just said that out loud!!!)
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